Ketogenics Calls


Loren Prince before AfterLoren Prince

I’m 36 years old and have been keto for 2 years. I’ve went from a size 18/20W to a 2/4 and lost 115lbs. The most exciting part is what has happened to my health! My cholesterol (mainly my triglycerides) have went down quite significantly as I was on the verge of needing medication. My BP has went from 140/90 (that was on a good day) to 100/63 typically now! I used to ache daily and now experience no inflammation in my body. I’ve also seen digestive issues I used to have completely go away. I take absolutely no medication at all! 90% of my weight loss was from diet alone! The other 10% I attribute to the muscle I’ve built at the gym! I lift weights and do a variety of cardio (although my cardio is always kept to 20-30 min).



Shane Rizzuto and Steve Wheeler discuss their time at the CMC and their time spent with Jimmy Moore.


Shane Rizzuto discusses getting exercise around the truck and walking. Leesa Rutherford discusses the challenges women face with the Keto lifestyle.